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bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Urban Technologies|Urban Technologies

200525 urban technologies maps

Marktscan Urban Technologies in Nederland

In 2011 voerde legu een marktstudie uit voor de sector Urban Technologies. De scan richtte zich op de belangrijkste urgenties en marktpartijen in de sectoren ICT, mobiliteit, energie en cleantech. Economische missies, marktonderzoeken en lezingen in het buitenland maakten deel uit van dit grondige onderzoeksproject.

Market Scan Urban Technologies in The Netherlands

On 2011 legu was commissioned to perform a market study for the sector of Urban Technologies. The scan addresses the main urgencies and market players in the sectors ICT, mobility, energy and cleantech. Economic missions, market surveys and lectures abroad were part of this thorough project.