Multidisciplinary design office.
legu is a multidisciplinary consultancy office for architecture in the broadest meaning of the word. legu advises institutions, enterprises and private clients . The Amsterdam based office is founded in 2004 and works in Holland and abroad. legu…
– designs and performs research
– advises on architecture, strategy and communicaiton
– delivers plans and takes care for realization
Mathias Lehner
Founding director Mathias Lehner studied architecture in Vienna and Delft. He is an architect with a passion for in the creative spatial solutions, entrepreneurship and urban ecosystems who works within an international professional network. Mathias develops, designs, researches and inspires.
Mathias Lehner
Founding Director
Our team is
here to inspire you
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Art is not what you see but what you really feel
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu de adipi scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor inci didunt ut labore et dolor magna et aliqua. Ut enim ad
You don’t have to be artist to be good maker
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Look at unusual things, create something good
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu de adipi scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor inci didunt ut labore et dolor magna et aliqua. Ut enim ad