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Black Rock City

160202 60-80 ebook 25x34 72dpi

‘Energizing the Future’ is an urban plan for the annual Burning Man Festival in the temporary ‘Black Rock City’ in Nevada (US) is. Although ten thousands of burners energize in the temporary set up of Black Rock City the leave no traces in the desert. The current setup of the man shows great potential to reduce the carbon footprint of the festival: Half day long traffic jams, airco’s running on gasoline and the subsequent air pollution are among the greatest challenges.

This plan reduces the ecological impact and proposes clever logistics in the city layout, and measures for large-scale production of electricity leading to a positive energy balance. The plan integrates existing technology like pv, clean-tech and GPS. Online pre-check-in like in a car ferry booking system makes it possible to pre-assign sites according to vehicle size and number of people. This enables efficient use of space and quick&easy approach of the parking position.

In combination with the revamp of the Black Rock City urban layout into the Playa Boulevard Layout revolutionizes the energy balance. The implementation of the Arrival Gates dramatically improves the welcoming experience. Efficient wind turbines and solar panels are the key features of these gates. The architectural landmarks are pragmatically bases upon reusable container modules.

The proposed Arrival Gates shows their functionality in threefold: a) Highly efficient check-in of arriving cars reducing traffic jams. b) Production of electricity with sun and wind. c) Multi-purpose use during the week include panoramic dance floors, shaded workshop space, water features, and a diverse range of other more practical uses.

Project type: Competition Entry
Commissioned by: Black Rock City Ministry of Urban Planning
Location: Black Rock City, Nevada (US)
Date: January 2016
Collaboration with: Tore Dobberstein, Complizen Planungsbüro Berlin