
multidisciplinary design office


Why not have a look at:

mathiaslehner.nl – inspiration & consultancy
nextcity.nl – building for biodiversity
kunstfort.nl – centre for contemporary art

bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Biodiversiteit in Environmental Management Systems| Biodiversity in Environmental Management Systems

1612-04 EU commissie WS Biodiv in EMAS
12 december 2016. Mathias neemt deel aan de workshop over EMAS (Environmental Management Systems) die gehouden werd bij de Europese Commissie in Bruxelles, op initiatief van het Duitse ministerium voor milieu en de Business and Biodiversity.

December 12, 2016. Mathias participates in a workshop on EMAS (Environmental Management Systems) that was held at the European Commission in Brussels upon initiative of the German Ministry for the Environment and Business and Biodiversity.