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mathiaslehner.nl – inspiration & consultancy
nextcity.nl – building for biodiversity
kunstfort.nl – centre for contemporary art

bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Future of Building Conference


April 2016. Mathias bezoekt op uitnodiging van de WKO de Conferentie over ‘Future of Building’ in Wenen en neem o.a. deel aan excursie naar de IBA Seestadt en langs enkele villa’s van Adolf Loos en Josef Frank.
April 2016. Upon invitation of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Mathis joins the conference on ‘Future of Building’ in Vienna and participates in an excursion to IBA Seestadt, as well as a trip along some of Loos’ and Josef Frank’s villas.