
multidisciplinary design office


Why not have a look at:

mathiaslehner.nl – inspiration & consultancy
nextcity.nl – building for biodiversity
kunstfort.nl – centre for contemporary art

bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Discussieleider in Amsterdam |Moderator in Amsterdam


21 januari 2016. Als feestelijke afsluiting van de expositie ‘Sprong over het IJ’ van het Amsterdamse architectuurcentrum BAC leidt Mathias een discussieavond met meet als 120 vaklieden en architectuurliefhebbers.
January 21st, 2016. As a festive finissage of the architecture exhibition with plans for new projects across and along the River IJ in Amsterdam Mathias hosts an evening full of discussion on this important spatial impuls for Amsterdam. The event is attended by more than 120 professionals and architecture aficionados.