
multidisciplinary design office


Why not have a look at:

mathiaslehner.nl – inspiration & consultancy
nextcity.nl – building for biodiversity
kunstfort.nl – centre for contemporary art

bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Bezoek aan de Koude Oorlog|Cold War Visit


Mei 2016. Mathias gaat op excursie naar de ‘Kanzlerbunker’ in de buurt van Bonn, een kilometers lange tunnel die vandaag een museum over de Koude Oorlog is.
May 2016. Mathias is on a study trip to the former bunker of the German Chancellor in the vicinity of Bonn. The kilometres of tunnels serve as a museum on the Cold War.