
multidisciplinary design office


Why not have a look at:

mathiaslehner.nl – inspiration & consultancy
nextcity.nl – building for biodiversity
kunstfort.nl – centre for contemporary art

bna-international.nl – service & strategy
dutcharchitects.org – distinguished projects
nextstepprogram.nl – career accelerator

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Excursion to Auwaldstation Leipzig|Excursie naar Auwaldstation Leipzig


November 2014. Upon suggestion of Dr.Knapp of the UFZ Halle LEGU visits Frank Seidel, head of the educational institution Auwaldstation in Leipzig aimed to bring biodiversity   closer to school groups and individuals.

November 2014. Op suggestie van Dr.Knapp van de UFZ Halle bezoekt LEGU Frank Seidel, hoofd van de onderwijsinstelling Auwaldstation in Leipzig die zich erop biodiversiteit dichter bij school groepen en individuen te brengen.